A journal of my progress in losing weight, quitting smoking, and becoming fit

I CAN Do This - Tracking My Food

Now that I'm confident that I really am a nonsmoker and not just gritting my teeth trying to get through a day without it, I can focus on the next thing - losing 50-60 pounds. I haven't always been as overweight as I am now. Funny thing, almost all of this weight gain happened over the years that I was trying to quit smoking. Even more funny, I originally started smoking before my senior of high school to lose 5 pounds. Please. 5 pounds?! This was the beginning of thirty years of an addiction that was on it's way toward killing me. Chronic bronchitis and asthma which led to 2 hospitalizations. I repeatedly, and I mean repeatedly would try to quit, only to pack on a few more pounds and end up smoking again. One time was different though. I quit smoking and imediately started tracking my calories and staying around 1200 per day. After about three months, I had lost about 30 pounds. So, I know it can be done. In some ways, I think it makes it easier because all of the tracking of calories, weight and exercise takes some of the focus away from the smoking cessation. So, here I am again. I'm going back to what I know works. Exercise and controlling my food intake.

Today was a great start! My weight this morning was 176, pretty much what it's been for the last six months. I'm going to weigh myself weekly because I know how obsessed I get when I weigh every day. I am going to record my food on this blog every day not because I think anyone is interested, but so I can hold myself accountable.

This is an ideal day for me. I know that I have a lot more snacks in the evening than a lot of people, but this is the worst day part for me. By planning ahead what I'm going to eat in the evening, I'm hoping to avoid unplanned binges. Yay for a successful day 1!

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