A journal of my progress in losing weight, quitting smoking, and becoming fit

A New Focus - Health

Now that I am not having to focus on finding a job, I can concentrate on improving my health by losing weight, getting fit and yes, quitting my smoking habit. See how ashamed I am about smoking? I can't even stand to see the word in a normal-size font. Am I taking on too much by wanting to quit smoking and lose weight at the same time? No. I've done it before. I was so into tracking my calories and weight loss that I distracted myself from the agony of quitting smoking.

Today, I am laying out my plan:
  • I have joined Tammy's Summer Challenge to lose 10 pounds by the end of April
  • I have a pack and a half of cigarettes left - when they're gone, I'm done
  • I will record my calories, weight, exercise, and water consumption into my super duper Excel file
  • I will concentrate on eating a healthy 1500 calories per day
  • I will regularly post my progress on this blog
  • I will reintroduce myself to my eliptical and get outside and walk at least a few times per week
  • I will resume going to bed with Jon Gabriel - his effect on my subconscious is amazing (if you click on the link, the keyword is "heart")
I really look forward to regaining my health. I had quit smoking for three years and started again one year ago due to stress. If only I'd realized that the stress of being a smoker was worse than the stress that led me to start again. So true with eating, too. The stress after eating too much is worse for me than the stress of going without.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you joined the challenge...isn't this exciting???!!!! I haven't mentioned this on my blog yet, because like you, I'm ashamed, but I smoke, too. I'm impressed that you're battling 2 addictions at once...I haven't had that kind of courage. I told myself I'd do one at a time, and I picked the food addiction first..but the exercise sure would be easier if I'd do both!! I just read your previous post also....so glad you finally got a job!! Woo hoo!!! I've been unemployed just over a year now and haven't had a SINGLE interview yet. Not a single one. Keeping the faith is tough, but I'm trying!! Have a blessed Easter, and make sure you measure out that potato salad!! lol
